Space and Art

The idea of space exploration and travel is something that has definitely been an influence on pop culture as well as technological advancements. I remember learning about the space race in high school and thinking about how strange of a time that must have been to live in. It seems as if the interest in space travel had exploded overnight. Even though the circumstances for all of the technological advancements were strange, many great things were still accomplished, which opened the door for an endless amount of possibilities. And even though we have learned so much about space, there is still an inconceivable amount of information still unknown to us. I think that is why space related science fiction media is still so popular, because it can be so imaginative, and people really enjoy that. One of my favorite cartoons is Futurama, which is a series that focuses on life in the 31st century, and how everything has changed.
In this series space travel is common, and the universe is more of a large community. There are many different types of aliens, planets, and new technology. Even though this show is completely fictional, it is interesting to wonder what life would be like if we were to be a part of a universal community with other lifeforms. 
I recently watched an infographic video about the concept of 'the great filter' that explains why we haven't been close to making contact with other lifeforms, and how if we did, it would be a bad thing. The reason is not necessarily that alien life would try to kill us, but that there is something preventing life from developing past a certain point. Basically we can evolve and advance to a certain point until we reach an obstacle that is too great for us to overcome, and could lead to our demise. Some say the great filter could be climate change, or depleting all of our resources, and others think that something greater may be lurking in the distance waiting for us to advance to that point. Overall, I think space travel is important, because we should always try to learn as much as we possibly can about the what is outside of our planet, to try and understand life itself, and see what else we can find. Even if there is a great filter that will stop us at some point, I think it would be worth it to find out and learn as much as possible about space as we can. 

“Futurama.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 3 June 2018,
Vesna, Victoria. “Space Intro.” YouTube, 26 Mar. 2012,
Kurzgesagt. “Why Alien Life Would Be Our Doom - The Great Filter.” YouTube, YouTube, 1 Feb. 2018,
“Futurama.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 3 June 2018,
Vesna, Victoria. “Space Intro.” YouTube, 26 Mar. 2012,
Vesna, Victoria. “Space Intro.” YouTube, 26 Mar. 2012,
Kurzgesagt. “Why Alien Life Would Be Our Doom - The Great Filter.” YouTube, YouTube, 1 Feb. 2018,


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